It's really happening! - Reisverslag uit Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka van Loony Leonie - It's really happening! - Reisverslag uit Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka van Loony Leonie -

It's really happening!

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Loony

14 Januari 2016 | Sri Lanka, Mount Lavinia

12 january, at 4.30 my alarm bell rings..
I wake up with a vague realization its my start-of-the-adventure-day, but I decide to turn around for 10 more minutes like its no big deal.
In the car on the way to the airport, I also still dont seem to realize whats going to happen.
At the airport, at the goodbye with my sweet parents, I see some tears in my mothers eye's, and I still feel normal.
Its not until my last wave goodbye, I start to really realize that I wont be seeing my parents for a long time, and the dogs, and my wonderful friends.
It hits me, and I almost feel guilty for leaving again..
I comfort myself with the thought that I can always go back whenever I want, and that this is my own choice after all.

The flight from Brussels to Qatar was quite okay, a window seat, but the last row in the airplane, so the window seat was still a half meter away from me..
The guy next to me couldn't stop shaking his leg, brushing it to mine at times, and there was nothing to do then just accept it, as I saw it was not on purpose.
After the release from the airplane I walked into Qatar airport.
It was like wonderland for the rich.. Huge teddybears, dinosaurs, and crazy kid's playgrounds. Islands with computers free to uses were the playgrounds for the adults.
Fancy and over the top exclusive boutiques.. Palmtrees indoors and very relaxing chairs to lay down in.. All kinds of people, as its a big hub to Asia, and I enjoyed most ofcourse the arab guys in “dresses” with the table clothes wrapped around their heads.. (Not meant offending ofcourse ;) )
I really enjoyed the waiting time just walking around in this strange world.

I went to the gate for the flight for Sri Lanka.. There was a huge line, which I always only join if 90% of the people have already passed. So I sat down next to the line, just watching this funny little dark skinned people not understanding what a line is.
People that passed the first check, had to wait in another area before boarding into the plane.
A lady was announcing that only row 52 till row 62 where allowed to board, and I smiled a bit harder when I saw 250 little dark skinned people starting to run at the same time towards the door..
When it was my turn, I got the news that “madam, your seat has been upgraded to business class”

Entering the plane with a private entrance was already a weird experience, the business class area also was something I never experienced before.
I had my own private cabin, (instead of 3 seats next to each other) with a chair that could go totally flat. A huge ass tv screen, a charger point for my phone, a lot of buttons to push, blankets and pillows. Free drinks, and a super fancy 3 course meal, and as a cherry on the pie we got a bag full of soaps, hairbrush, creams etc..
The business class seat was such a magical welcome surprise, and super good start of the traveling..

Meanwhile, in my fancy business class seat I was suddenly thinking “you will see that the pick-up service from my hostel is not there to pick me up, because not everything can be so lucky.”
I told myself to shut up, because quite often my stupid little joke predictions have come true.
After a long struggle with the visa system (no system), then having to walk through a boulevard of shop selling washingmachines and mircowaves (yes at the airport, between the immigration check and the bagage belts), and a long waiting time for the bags, I found out there was indeed no taxi driver holding a sign with my name.
I asked a few other drives, as sometimes they know each other, but nothing..
So I bought a phonecard, called the hostel and heard a really big sorry on the other side of the line.
I took a taxi myself, and managed to pay nothing more then the pick-up service from the hostel would have cost me.
After a long 2 hour drive through the busy city centre of Colombo I finally arrived at a very nice chilled out hostel at the beach.

I slept a bit, and went out to explore the place.
After exactly one minute a guy came to walk next to me. Asking tons of questions, and I answered in the beginning. But then I got a bit annoyed by him following me. He ask my phonenumber and I said I didnt have a card yet (liar... I know)
And I also refused to write down his number, and told him honestly I would never call him anyway.
I think he still didnt get the hint, as he was still following me. I told him before I went into the ATM machine cabin, a polite goodbye and told him he could leave.
After the ATM I went in a shop to buy a bottle of water, and guess who was waiting for me outside..
He followed me again, and I told him again I would never call him, so again no need for his phonenumber. I also answered his questions with “No, I dont want to have dinner with you.” “No, I dont want to go for a drink” “No, I dont want to come to your house” “No, I dont think we can have a relationship”
But after all the NO's he still didnt get it..
When my hostel came close, I really needed to shake him off, as I didnt really wanted him to know where I was staying..
I told him again polite, that now I just wanted to be alone, and he could better turn around now.
“Yes madam” And following me again like I spoke to the concrete wall next to me instead of him.
A little bit ruder helped, and he finally stopped walking.
When at the end of the street I turned around a corner, I saw he was still at the same spot looking at me.
A half hour later I left my hostel to go to the beach, and from far behind me I heared some shouting “Madam, you forget about me madam?” I didnt turn around to see who it was, because I already knew the answer, and I just moved on. He didnt follow me anymore then.. Pfeew...

It was a reality check, and it gave me a strange feeling.
As I been in this situation many times before (most probably all solo traveller girls), and it always awkward.. Any situation I feel I can handle, but this is something I struggle with.
Because this guys (at least 99,9% of them I guess) have no harm, they have no bad intention.
They just say their questions and akward things to pick up a girl, like they learned it from a book. You just give them one finger with a smile or an answer to their questions, and they grab your whole hand, or better arm.
And thats just a saying ofcourse, as they would never touch you. They just want to talk, and ofourse they want more. But not without your permission.
They just seemed to have memorized too much what they need to say to a girl, that they seem so busy with asking questions and saying silly things, that they dont hear what you are answering them, nor can they read your mood.
I never want to be rude to them or ignore them completely as they ask me some questions, as Im not that kind of person, especially if I see its just a silly guy with no bad intentions.
But sometimes you really need to be harsh to shake them off, which almost makes me feel guilty at the same time.. Strange situations, I hope one day I learn the magic key word that they do listen to.
Or maybe I should buy a ring, and put a picture of a big guy on my phonescreen, and say that Im married..

Anyway, with that feeling I walked on the beach, and a young rasta guy started to talk to me..
And I was like “ohhh no, not again” , and almost felt like avoiding the questions.
But he didnt say the same silly things as the others, and he actually looked very nice, with a cute happy, satisfied-in-life smile.
He showed me a restaurant at the beach, and joined me for a drink.
We had some nice talks, and the food was also yummy. Later some more people joined us, a canadian girl married with a rasta guy from Sri Lanka, some other dudes from Sri Lanka ( I just cant find the word for someone that is from Sri Lanka, Sri Lankian? Sri Lanker? )
and a guy from Ibiza, with a speaker and Ibiza trance.
Although at the airport there is big signs with “importing narcotics is death penalty”, we did smoke a few joints. When I asked them about it, they said at that beach police hardly comes, and when they do, they just want some money... Gotta love corruption. And always good to connect with the locals :D

After a few drinks I made a walk on the beach, seeing that the restaurant where I had ended up was actually the nicest one of the beach.. So I went happily back to my hostel, where Im writing you now my first impressions and start of the adventure.
Tomorrow I go to chill and walk a bit more on this lovely palmtree beach with many cute restaurants, and then its time to start heading direction of the festival in the jungle.

Love and happiness

  • 14 Januari 2016 - 09:09


    Hey hey,
    Lekker geslapen?
    Vanochtend uit bed gestapt om meteen je verslag te lezen.
    Avontuur is dus echt begonnen...
    Hier regent het aan een stuk door....
    Dus geniet maar dubbel aan het strand.
    Pas heeel goed op jezelf en maak er iets moois van.
    We missen je erg hoor.
    Hebben even tijd nodig om weer te wennen, pakte gisteravond bijna 3 borden.
    Maar meisje .....follow the sun.
    Love you, bye bye
    Xxxx mama papa anti mika. Ciao

  • 16 Januari 2016 - 09:03


    Geniet ervan lieve loony froony!

  • 16 Januari 2016 - 18:54


    Wauw jou verhalen zijn zo veel leuker om te lezen dan het reisverhaal dat ik uit de bieb had...heb m maar snel terug gebracht en wacht in spanning op meer Loony Adventures...hihi... over n paar jaar misschien niet eens zo'n gek idee om je eigen boek te maken door al je verhalen te bundelen..

  • 18 Januari 2016 - 15:34


    Heerlijk je verhalen weer te lezen, ben ik toch een beetje mee op reis :-)
    Dikke FroggieKnufffff

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